Intelligent Online Gradebook Software
That Saves Teachers Time…

MySchoolWorx’s Online Gradebook does

calculations and more, is fully integrated with

Classes, Lesson Plans, Assignments and Report

Cards; saving Teachers precious classroom time.

MySchoolWorx’s Online Gradebook does calculations and more, is fully integrated with Classes, Lesson Plans, Assignments and Report Cards; our student grading system saves Teachers precious classroom time.

And Keeps Parents in the Know…

No more waiting for “surprises” at the end of a grading
period! Today’s busy parents can monitor their students’
grades, real time, anytime — via their phones, tablets and
laptops — to encourage and actively guide their kids to
success daily throughout the school year.

in the Know.

No more waiting for “surprises” at the end of a grading
period! Today’s busy parents can monitor their students’
grades, real time, anytime — via their phones, tablets and
laptops — to encourage and actively guide their kids to
success daily throughout the school year.

No more waiting for “surprises” at the end of a grading period! Today’s busy parents can monitor their students’ grades, real time, anytime — via their phones, tablets and laptops — to encourage and actively guide their kids to success daily throughout the school year.

Online Grades
at Everyone’s




· Dashboard view of Entire Class and Student Averages

· Easy Management access from multiple locations (Dashboard and within

· Grading Snapshot views by grade, class, student, sub-ject, assignments,
and more.

For Parents and


· Easy Access to view all grades via a laptop, tablet (or in the Mobile App)

· View Live GPA continuously displayed on Desktop Dashboard (and access all grading periods!)

· Set and Receive Alerts for slipping grades per class or subject.

Easier Online Grades at Everyone’s Fingertips

For Teachers…

• Dashboard view of Entire Class and Student Averages
• Easy Management access from multiple locations
(Dashboard and within Classes)
• Grading Snapshot views by grade, class,
student, subject, assignments, and more.


For Parents and Students…

• Easy Access to view all grades via a laptop,
tablet (or in the Mobile App).
• View Live GPA continuously displayed on Desktop
Dashboard (and access all grading periods!)
• Set and Receive Alerts for slipping grades
per class or subject.


Easy Gradebook Management

The MySchoolWorx Gradebook shaves precious time off the task of calculating and recording grades, giving teachers back valuable classroom teaching time.

Some Key Online Gradebook Software Features:


• Easy Entry: Our colorful, intuitive design makes grade entry a breeze.
• Add/Customize Categories for Classwork, Homework, Tests, Quizzes,
and more per Subject or Class.
• Display by Mark or Percentage.
• Create Custom Weight Calculations based on Percentage or Points.
• Set Options for Adding Extra Points.
• Set Options to Auto-drop Lowest Scores.
• Apply Customized Semester Exam Settings.
• Select/Customize Grade Colors.
• Export to Excel by Student, Classes, Subjects, etc.
• Generate Instant Reports by Grading Period.
• Lots more – see it all in action in a live demo.

Some Key


• Easy Entry: Our colorful, intuitive design makes grade entry a breeze.
• Add/Customize Categories for Classwork, Homework, Tests, Quizzes, and more per Subject or Class.
• Display by Mark or Percentage.
• Create Custom Weight Calculations based on Percentage or Points.
• Set Options for Adding Extra Points.
• Set Options to Auto-drop Lowest Scores.
• Apply Customized Semester Exam Settings.
• Select/Customize Grade Colors.
• Export to Excel by Student, Classes, Subjects, etc.
• Generate Instant Reports by Grading Period.
• Lots more – see it all in action in a live demo.

More to Discover About
MySchoolWorx Gradebook

Got a question about MySchoolWorx Online Gradebook Software For Teachers?

We’ll show you all the functions and features and how simple it is for your teachers to use our online student grading system software.